Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Blog 4

Pitch Perfect is one of my favorite movies and I love how things were shot and edited. The scene I'm going to talk about is when everyone is auditioning to join the acapella groups.
This scene starts off with a long shot of someone introducing the first person to audition. The person follows, and comes on stage identifying the 'girl' as a boy. As she is about to begin, the camera shoots the back view of the person auditioning so that we can see the audience (the three acapella groups recruiting new people). We can't really see their faces clearly but we can make out how many people there are sitting down. Before they let her begin her audition, she was told to take off her hat (medium shot). As she introduces herself as Cynthia Rose, the camera shoots straight to each of the group's facial expression but it's still a medium shot of them.
The scene then begins and it shows different people auditioning, singing the same song going from long shot to medium shot to close up side view of a person. Then the camera goes back to the first person auditioning, with a close up of the side view of her face. The camera then goes to one of the girl acapella groups, still a medium shot, showing their reaction again. The scene then continues cutting to different people auditioning, medium shot, as we can also see their hand motions and body movements.
There comes to a point where there is an Asian person auditioning but you can't really hear what she's singing. The camera cuts to the audience's expression and then cuts back to her for a close up mouthing the words to the song.
It continues by cutting to other people in medium shots.
What was interesting was that it shows different people in a split screen of thirds so that we can see how each of them are singing. At most, it showed 15 squares with each of the people auditioning and singing at the same time. It really lets the audience know and see who's more passionate and into the song.
The scene ends with Fat Amy in a medium shot which was perfect because she pretended to hit invisible cymbals as a conclusion to her audition.


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