Friday, August 30, 2013

Artist Statement

Artist Statement
Sarah Sarway

I look around and see people who have talent using paint, poetry, a camera lens or musical notes. They can take in what inspires them and translate it onto their go-to medium. Last semester I took Media 150; I took the class with the idea that I didn't yet have a go-to medium, and that throughout the many programs I would find something that clicked.  If there is anything that my over-analyzing of my surroundings have taught me, its that art can be found in anything. And, if there is anything that my exposure to the art world has shown me, it's that art can be created with anything. There are no rules, rhyme or reason. And yet, I find myself in this course with an even firmer understanding that my interests lie in the written word, creative non-fiction specifically.

A video montage of moving triangles and shapes can leave a careful viewer quite amazed; a painting made with misaligned peppermint colored stripes could demand one's full attention. From words, to images, to shadows of objects, there are endless options to find the beauty (or lack thereof) in different types of media. I draw the most inspiration from this city. On a purely aesthetic level, I love the contrast of hard, cold architecture alongside beautiful greenery, warm evening sunsets and starry nights. On a deeper level, I am constantly smitten by the variety of people and often catch myself imagining up what they must be like. I have always tended to express myself using words as opposed to graphics or drawings. These words aren't the poetic or fancy kind; in fact, I dream of writing endless lists for Buzzfeed or ridiculous reports about ridiculous things for Gawker one day. I am excited to see what ways I can use the tools I learn in this course...

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