Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Artist Statement

                                                                                Artist Statement 

Art is something we come into contact with almost everyday of our lives. Wether its graffiti on building walls, paintings at a museum or even a creative picture posted on someones Instagram or Twitter. Art is apart of out culture and is something that can sometimes be taken for granted. I have never really considered myself an artist in the sense of creating something visually appealing for others to enjoy but more along the lines of being able to write something that others will be interested in . As a Media Major I have taken a few classes that have taught me a few skills that I never would of thought were necessary for me to learn because all I wanted to do was write. But now I am enjoying learning how the pictures we see and the movies we watch come together in such creative ways using skills that I can actually learn. 

I am not into creating the actual art pieces that I see almost everyday but more into the writing category of art. I feel that art can extend outside of a canvas, photo or display and can be translated into something so well written that the audience may not miss the actual physical piece. I use my writing to show my creative way of thinking. I may not be able to create a physical picture for my audience but I do like to think that I can help with creating the picture through my writing. Just how poets can express such great emotion that the reader can actually feel what they are trying to express or how a novel can describe a scene so well that the reader feels they have been transported to that exact moment they are reading, writers use their creativity to help readers paint their very own pictures. I consider being a writer being a type of artist because even though I am not there to help the audience create the art physically, I can help then create their very own art by using their imagination which is awaken by my writing. 

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