Sunday, December 22, 2013

Museum Blog

Duncan Glaser
Museum of the Moving Image

The Museum of the Moving Image's core exhibition “Behind the Screen” was a very intersting collection pertaining to many facets of films production history and methods. One very interesting part of the exhibition was the collection of film cameras, lighting and sound recording equipment. It showed very clearly the progression of the technology used to produce films and how that progression increased the quality in the productions.
Another great part of the exhibition was interactive computers set up allowing users to experience part of the films audio production process. One computer let you choose a film clip and then fill in the sound effects and watch the finished product. For a scene where a truck crashes in Terminator I replaced the crash sound with chicken noises which was rather amusing to watch. Another computer let you add in different sound tracks to films and see how they gave the scene different tones. It was fun to be able to play around with the audio production but it was very simplified and didnt entirely reflect how the actual process is achieved.

 The exhibition also featured a egyptian mummy themed movie theater in which an old explorer adventure tv show was played. This display showed how many gimmicks used to be implemented to enhance the movie experience. Nowadays theaters are much less extravagant and rely more on the technology to sell product. Even so we still have brought back some old gimmicks like 3d films, lets just hope they dont try to bring back Smell-o-Vision.

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