Friday, October 4, 2013

Artist Statement

At first, an artist statement seemed like an abstract thought since I had never considered myself an artist. I than began to in vision what kind of work I would do if I were an artist and the kinds of things I would want to create. I have a passion for film and television that stems from not only the enjoyment it brings me but also from my admiration for all those involved in all of its creative elements. I cannot fathom the amount of talent and creativity it takes to create some of my favorite shows and films. It is my love for film and television that is my inspiration for having a career in the entertainment industry, specifically in protecting the creative works of others. Although protecting creative works of others is an issue I am passionate about, I truly believe that great art is art that has been influenced by what has preceded it and in the process has been altered and recreated. That is why using the law to properly do so is so important to me. Picasso once said, “good artists copy, great artists steal” and this has been seen in all different art forms. When you apply it to video, the possibilities are endless. Each bit of television and film that I watch greatly influences me, therefore for my work I would like to take episodes of a television shows, or clips from films and edit it so that only a few words are left to create a new message and new meaning. By “stealing” these bits of television shows and films I can both emphasize my admiration for these works as well as create something of my own.

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