Friday, October 4, 2013

Artist Statement

The Statement of the Artist

      Hi, My name is Andrew Rappo and as an artist I bring to life the scintillating conceptions that are fabricated in my mind and transfer them to a Digital Medium on the Web, though honestly I just make funny videos on the Internet. Growing up I was an odd child, never really fit in, but like must characters with this beginning I learned to make people laugh and soon fell in love with it. I later learned about skits, puns and all manner of comedic devices and situations and kept wanting to learn more and more. All my life I’ve enjoyed comedy and respected those who made a career out of it and hope to make it mine as well. With the Internet as my medium I hope to share my brand of humor and make people laugh because everyone can use a good chuckle. Through my videos I hope to gain credibility and experience and go on to do comedy writing from SNL and/or acting on a show. I hope that when you watch one of my videos you laugh and pass it on to a friend and spread the joy I hope to make with my videos.

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