Friday, November 1, 2013

Crown Heights' Noise

The noise that inhibits my neighborhood is always composed of loud talkers, teenagers fighting, Reggae or Hip Hop music, and of course the city anthem, which is that of the Ambulance truck. I usually tune the soundtrack of Crown Heights to the music of my phone but this time I listened and to my surprise, I quite enjoyed it. Lately I've been trying to ween myself off the music on my phone in an attempt to stay more alert of my surroundings. I find that when I listen to the music on my phone, I become so zoned out and transported to a completely different world. To my surprise, when I absorbed the sounds of my neighborhood, I experienced a similar effect. I felt as if I was transported to a different world because the sounds felt so raw and unique. I truly appreciated the sounds of Crown Heights because it adds to the richness of its culture and noise.

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