Friday, November 15, 2013


My trip to The Museum of the Moving Image was really interesting, I saw many aspects of film I had never heard or considered before. It's amazing how much goes into making a film, and how little the audience realizes.  Not only did they have exhibitions explaining certain processes but they also had huge collections of historical artifacts that were amazing to see in person. The things that interested me the most were the old film and cameras, the costumes, and all the recording equipment. Some of the historical cameras they had dated  back from the late 1800s. I saw something called a zoetrope, from the 1830s which was an "optical toy".

The sound effects demonstration was really crazy. We had gone over foley artists in lecture which really interested me, but this showed me so many other ways sound can be manipulated and produced. Multiple sounds can overlap one another and sometimes sounds are created that come from an entirely different source than what's on screen. I have so much respect for the people who can put all this together so seamlessly and make it sound like perfection!

All in all it was great to see how the Museum of the Moving Image really broke down film production bit by bit, in both present and past. Look forward to going back.  

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