Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The E train

I live on Long Island and the morning commute to Hunter is technically very quiet since everyone is practically still sleeping. If some talk at even a normal tone on the subway it seems so loud and the sleepers give those people death glares (not that they actually care and continue to talk anyway). In the midst of all the quiet you mostly hear the sounds that the train makes. The thud thud thud of the breaking of the train as it is slowing down.The screeeech when the train starts to break. The smooth opening of doors and then the fast thumping of footsteps of the people rushing in. When the train gets more and more congested you hear groans, coughs, sighs and the "excuse me" of the person trying to get to work on time and the "excuseee me?" of the person who got pushed. The echo of the train whooshing in the tunnel, screech, stop when there is "train traffic ahead of us". That monotonous not too loud not too soft tone of the woman who is announcing the stops. The train is packed and people still want to get in you hear the announcer explaining that there's another train but unfortunately it gets muffled in all the shuffling of the backpacks and purses and clack of hells and the faulty speakers. The music. Sometimes you recognize the song because the music is familiar so you start to sing along in your head. Sometimes you wish you could hear more clearly the words of the singer and the particular instrument that is playing(maybe a guitar, maybe a drum?), any entertainment would be nice. Sometimes its so loud that you can't believe that the person is wearing headphones. Sometimes it's that song you hate. No performers on the morning train for sure. There are people who exclaim "Jesus!"followed by some lines from the Bible...trying to convert people on the train, I guess? When your stop comes you quickly get off, push through people and hear thud of footsteps moving, the clacks of the heels, and the tinkling of bracelets that people wear and then the ding of the doors closing behind you.

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