Thursday, November 14, 2013

Queens boulevard at night

The steady howl of the wind blends with the endless roar of traffic. Dry autumn leaves rustle loudly. A car honks. High heels click against the sidewalk rapidly making their way down the street.

A siren goes off in the distance. It gets closer and closer, louder and louder. High pitched and shrill. The wails pierce the air drowning out most other noises until the source turns a corner and fades away.

Throaty laughter escapes from a man and his co-worker as they close up shop. The metal gate rattles and squeaks as he pulls it down. His keys jingle musically as he searches for the right one. He jams it into the lock, metal scraping against metal.

Music and chatter from a bar spills out onto the street. A symphony of different languages. English, Spanish, Russian, Bengali.

A group of drunken girls screech at the sight of a rat. Broken glass crunches underfoot. A plane thunders overhead.

Reggaeton blasts from a parked car. A girl makes her way to the car, heels scraping clumsily against the sidewalk. She sits in the front and slams the door behind her. The engine revs noisily as keys turn in the ignition.

A baby babbles in a stroller. Leaves crackle as the stroller rolls over them down the sidewalk. The mother and father murmur softly to each other, their whispers harmonizing, high and low.

Two small dogs bark at one another. Sharp yapping, breathy panting. A car alarm goes off. No one stops it.

A little girl rides a scooter. The wheels rumble against the concrete then become muted as they go over patches of grass. She hums a melody.

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