Friday, November 22, 2013

Sound Walk November 1, 2013

Sound Walk 

                 I chose to conduct my sound walk starting on 106th street of the Upper Westside of Manhattan heading south down Central Park West ending at the entrance to Central Park at 72nd Street . It was cold and slightly windy on the day of my walk, however, the sun was shining and people were out. Upon hitting the street the first sounds I encountered were from the elementary school across the street. The rustling of backpacks first hits you as the laughter and chatter of the children slowly set the scene. The low toned zoom of cars continuously pass by quickly until they reach the corner and their breaks engage with a small screeching sound. The sound of cars, taxis and trucks is consistent the entire walk south, it can be described as the continuous ambient noise.
                I cross over Central Park West so that i'm walking south along the park wall. Around the upper streets ( 106-96th street) the sounds heard are caused by families. The scraping of baby carriages is muffled by the arguing and disciplining of the parents trying to control them. Upon passing a park located right up against the wall of the park, laughter once again fills the air. The metal chains of the swings can be heard squeaking and cracking as the stomping of feet sound like terrible drums as they run along the wooden jungle gym. The stomping becomes muffled as it travels from the jungle gym to the plastic flooring which creates a rhythm that the children are unaware of.
               Continuing south around 72nd street the chatter of people overwhelms all other sounds. The bing of bike bells chime in coronation trying to grab the tourist attention as the enter the park. The constant sound of questions, confusion, the flapping of map, rustling of bags and recognizable sound of haggling hits my ears as I try and maneuver around the many different languages floating colorful syllables in the air. Far off in the distances a guitar can be heard sing the sounds of John Lennon's “Imagine” as softer lower sound of singing voices sing along.
              Once I finished with my sound walk I was able to see the crowed streets of New York City in a different more enjoy light.

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