Friday, November 1, 2013

Soundscape: Caffe Bene

I'm sitting down at a Cafe on a busy corner in Times Square.
There is a consistent soundtrack of easy listening/soft house music that adds a sense of youth to the environment.
As previously mentioned, since the Cafe is in Times Square and located next to a giant hotel, there is a flow of tourists coming in and out, chattering amongst themselves and to the cashier to place their order. Due to this flow of human traffic, the sounds of the expresso machine and cash register consistent as well. People love their expresso.

That's just the immediate entrance of the Cafe. There is a small library in the back where one can sit down and read books or get work done. In this space, there are repeating sounds of pages being flipped, mouse clicks and typing. Once in a while, you will hear conversation, most likely it's two girlfriends who catch each other up before they head to their destination.

Like many people, I made this my "workspace". It's really interesting to be able to sit down and observe different types of people, what they talk about, where they're from, and what accents they have. Despite this place being in Times Square, it's a lot more peaceful that one would think, which makes it a great place to be productive.

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