Friday, November 1, 2013

Sound "Walk"

For the "sound walk" assignment, I decided to something that was astray from the assignment requirements.  Instead of the hour long walk, I decided to be stationary, as opposed to walking around.  I felt that this would allow myself to pay close attention to listening for sounds.  This take of the assignment was inspired by an interview with composer John Cage, whose infamous piece, 4'33", which is four minutes and thirty-three seconds of performer(s) sitting in silence, forcing listeners to listen or search for sounds from the performance area or outside of it.  
For my walk, I gave myself a time duration of roughly seven minutes to list all of the unique sounds outside of Hunter College.  From the activity I learned that, if I took the time to "clear my ears," I would open up my ears to a different world. 
Here are the notes I took:
Setting/Time: Hunter College/Friday Afternoon/ Around noon
- a multitude of dried and dead leaves rustling on the rough concrete
- screeching of brakes, mixed in with loud and angry horns from cars
- a distant hum which seems to be a mixture of all of the distant noises in the city
- people nearby are conversing, some conversations are happy, sad, and serious, based on the tones of the persons speaking
- a siren from an emergency vehicle pierces through the humming of the city.
- rumbling of trashcans on wheels
- dragging of boots and dustpans accompanying the rumbling wheels
- loud hums of buses alternate from loud to quiet as they accelerate and decelerate 
- brooms brushing against the concrete surface clashing with the dried up leaves
- the screeching of a table saw can be heard as it is cutting through a material
- a drill, chugging, as it tries to hack through concrete, sounds like its about a block away
- swift footsteps with heels of shoes scraping the floor as students make their way into Hunter College
- pigeons flapping their wings.

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